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Homo Sapiens: Will He End Up HS?

We know that under the control of the drives of domination, predation, exploitation, destruction and extermination that homo sapiens exercises on everything around him - nature, living beings and even his peers - he risks this destructive insanity turning against him, by creating the conditions of his own extinction. It could be that Homo Sapiens, with an uppercase H and an uppercase S, who takes himself for the king of the world and the universe, will end up being out of action!*

We are fervently reminded of this by whistle-blowers, activists, and militants who battle against ecological destruction that is more and more menacing to the equilibrium of ecosystems and the future of the planet. Many of them, in facing industrial powers and economic predators, pay heavily for it… some have lost their lives. Another reminder is the very successful animated film, Man, realized in 2017 by the English illustrator, Steve Cutts. Please don’t hesitate to share it!

In this hour of the Covid-19 pandemic, its origin might be explained by the massive deforestation in China. Although this hypothesis remains to be proved, it doesn’t make it less true that in not taking care of nature and of living beings, we are not taking care of ourselves, which is allowing the worst version of the human species to prevail.

*In the original French, there is a play on words: HS, for “hors service,” means “out of service.”

Translated from French to English by Sally Gordon-Mark​

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